Frisian Villages
The Frisian community is buzzing with energy to work differently on housing. Inspiring perspectives and surprising housing concepts offer inspiration to work on liveability and spatial quality. Ode to the village.
There is no shortage of ideas within the villages. But local initiatives sometimes struggle to get off the ground or lack a broader perspective. The key to solving the housing crisis lies largely within the local communities. They have the network, the initiatives and own large pieces of land.
In “In plak ûnder de sinne,” together with the local communities of the Frisian villages of Koudum, Reduzum and Buren, we researched how the housing task in the villages could be given a place. Different development perspectives were outlined for each village on the scale level of the village. The perspectives build on existing spatial features and qualities (village DNA) and bring coherence to residential initiatives and development of individual lots.
For each perspective, an elaboration in innovative and surprising residential concepts was made. Tailored to local housing demand and target groups. The housing concepts are linked to several possible financing strategies. This allows spatial concepts to be tested directly for feasibility.
The research is based on in-depth examination of data, demographics and statistics. As a result, the housing task was depicted very precisely at the micro level. This allowed very specific solutions to be devised at the village level.
The research “In plak ûnder de sinne” was realised with a grant from the Dutch Creative Industry Fund.
Year: 2023
Type: urban planning, design research
Scope: province of Fryslân and villages of Koudum, Reduzum, Buren (island of Ameland)
Status: research
I.s.m.: province of Fryslân, municipalities of Súdwest-Fryslân, Leeuwarden, Ameland. Village communities of Koudum, Reduzum and Buren.